East Summer School is located at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford and offers free workshops. This is exclusively for Children aged 12 – 17 years old who live and/ or going to school in the borough of Hackney.
DJ, Skate and Multimedia Workshops
MSGP and Keep Rolling co were able to deliver workshops to 12-17 year olds through out the summer! The workshops consisted of Skate lessons, media ( Photography) and DJ workshops. Offering these workshops allowed us to open a gateway for different routes of expression.
DJ workshop
March 18 2023
MSGP creates training programs followed by employment & paid opportunities. We offer Dj training and as you can also see Dj workshops, where people in the Queer BIPOC community can benefit from this and also meet other identities in MSGP.
The Dj’s that we train receive qualifications which also allows them to give tutorials at workshop events and also receive employability opportunities.
We want to prioritise comfort so we made this a safe space where many of the participants , 70%, stated that this was accessible for them and 100% said they’d come to anohter DJ Workshop event !
The heartbreak school:
MSGP Presents: The Heartbreak School, an embodied school for exploring the liberatory power of love, care, and intimacy through creativity.
Feb 25 2022
Zine workshop
@Museum of Youth culture
Fiona Quadri is a multidisciplinary artist with a focus on illustration and photography, currently studying in London. She is exploring themes of Belonging, Race and Ethnicity through the lens of the QUEER BPOC communities.
March 11 2022
MSGP presents: Zine workshop with Fiona Quadri
MSGP is currently producing a Zine after winning the Pages Master Publication Fund in 2021.
Composed of 4 chapters, this is the first of three workshops of focus groups and zine making workshops; aiming at encouraging our community members to think deeply about the meaning of skating, their built-in skating environment, skate fashion and more. At each participants' discretion, participants' zine will be published as part of the final Zine representing the Melanin Skate Gals & Pals community.
MSGP Skate & Pics
Nov 26 /2021
Explore filmmaking & film photography through skating.
Teaching our community how to operate film cameras and make skate movies using handycams! An evening of fun, skate and skills learning.